“New Nordic Fashion Illustration vol 2“ is a follow-on to two exhibitions held in Tallinn and Helsinki a few years ago, featuring artists from Estonia, Finland and Sweden. The new display includes artists from Norway and Denmark, offering a comprehensive picture of the creative approach of the brightest Nordic illustrators and a selection of their works of more commercial nature.

The last decade has brought fashion illustration back to the attention of art historians and galleries. The last couple of years have witnessed its strong presence in online publications and exhibitions. While the focus of the mainstream media has changed, the numerous new publications and wide range of subject show continuing interest in that genre.

And why do we speak of Nordic fashion illustration? Probably because Nordic artists have established a myth of the creator, who sees beauty from afar, from the edge of the world, generalising the temporal and the timeless with a mere line stroke.

Picture by Esra Røise.

Take a look at the site: www.exhibition.ee


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